
目前顯示的是 9月, 2020的文章

關於招回 WBAVB13586KR66118

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龐得 找了老外 刷晶片兼 適配新岐管 台灣的tuner應該不是做不到

 龐得 找了老外 刷晶片 適配 台灣的tuner應該不是做不到 https://www.e90post.com/forums/showthread.php?t=381371&highlight=n52+330i+software&page=31 不能驅動 DISA 在325i 是不成立的,  The simplest fiash is the bimmerlabs free  330i  flash. Set up an account there and read all the help files. As for the install, check your heater hoses under the air filter box. They can get soft from previous oil leaks. They are much easier to change with the intake out of the way. Then check "new to you" disa valves before you install them. You can do this with your current car's setup. The flash does not need to be done to test the disa with inpa. This video is my stock 325i testing the valves.

Are you driving a 2006 325i 3.0 with 3 stage intake manifold? bolt on 3 stage manifold without flashing means no tune ??

論壇辯論真好看  https://www.e90post.com/forums/showthread.php?t=472034 重點是 更新 階岐管後 重置適應值 或是( 適配 )  , 台灣 稱 編程 尤其是 岐管 要 適配 標題應該改成  Are you driving a 325i 3.0  with 3 stage intake manifold?   以免和 325i 2.5  with 3 stage intake manifold 搞混 335imax  說 重置適配(編程),尤其是岐管的適配,2000-3000RPM的那種動力不線性感 便消失   My issue has b een resolved! Using the Bavarian Technic tool, I was able to reset all the adaptations on my car, specifically the intake manifold adaptation. Once this was reset, the surges are GONE! allmotorh22   回 因為電腦( Digital Motor Electronics ( DME ) controls ) 不預期你有3階岐管,所以用蝴蝶閥(節流閥 )去干預它。 我都是在 higher rpms 在飆,所以用 wide-open 一階岐管,配 wide-open throttle(這是指 VALVETRONIC)。詳  https://n52b30ul.blogspot.com/2020/04/n52b30m54b30.html P.S. 雖然有了三階岐管--和諧的岐管,但是和DTC掌管的節流閥又產生另外一種失諧 Nope... and t he issues your experiencing are due to the butterfly valves opening and closing when your DME is not expecting it to. IMHO... 3 stage manifold is a waste. It would prob...