龐得 找了老外 刷晶片兼 適配新岐管 台灣的tuner應該不是做不到

 龐得 找了老外 刷晶片 適配 台灣的tuner應該不是做不到


不能驅動 DISA 在325i 是不成立的, 

The simplest fiash is the bimmerlabs free 330i flash. Set up an account there and read all the help files.

As for the install, check your heater hoses under the air filter box. They can get soft from previous oil leaks. They are much easier to change with the intake out of the way. Then check "new to you" disa valves before you install them. You can do this with your current car's setup. The flash does not need to be done to test the disa with inpa. This video is my stock 325i testing the valves.




n52b30 performance upgrades 搜尋
