三階段岐管的最後一哩路-- 適配
最近車子開起來2000rpm~3000rpm 確實有一種不線性的動力一職困擾我,
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https://www.e90post.com/forums/showthread.php?t=472034 335imax 說 重置適配(編程),尤其是岐管的適配,2000-3000RPM的那種動力不線性感 便消失 My issue has been resolved! Using the Bavarian Technic tool, I was able to reset all the adaptations on my car, specifically the intake manifold adaptation. Once this was reset, the surges are GONE!
allmotorh22 回 因為電腦(Digital Motor Electronics (DME) controls) 不預期你有3階岐管,所以用蝴蝶閥(節流閥 )去干預它。 我都是在higher rpms 在飆,所以用wide-open一階岐管,配wide-open throttle(這是指VALVETRONIC)。詳 https://n52b30ul.blogspot.com/2020/04/n52b30m54b30.html P.S. 雖然有了三階岐管--和諧的岐管,但是和DTC掌管的節流閥又產生另外一種失諧
https://www.e90post.com/forums/showthread.php?t=472034 335imax 說 重置適配(編程),尤其是岐管的適配,2000-3000RPM的那種動力不線性感 便消失 My issue has been resolved! Using the Bavarian Technic tool, I was able to reset all the adaptations on my car, specifically the intake manifold adaptation. Once this was reset, the surges are GONE!
allmotorh22 回 因為電腦(Digital Motor Electronics (DME) controls) 不預期你有3階岐管,所以用蝴蝶閥(節流閥 )去干預它。 我都是在higher rpms 在飆,所以用wide-open一階岐管,配wide-open throttle(這是指VALVETRONIC)。詳 https://n52b30ul.blogspot.com/2020/04/n52b30m54b30.html P.S. 雖然有了三階岐管--和諧的岐管,但是和DTC掌管的節流閥又產生另外一種失諧